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Assessments & Testing

Standardized Assessments

Standardized assessments serve several purposes in District 622:

  • Providing information for instructional decision-making;
  • Screening for placement in such programs as academic interventions and enrichment offerings;
  • Reporting to all educational stakeholders, from students to community; and
  • Evaluating programs to determine what is working, what is not working, and what should be done next.

Testing Calendars

Testing Calendars

Schools within District 622 differ in when they choose to administer state accountability assessments (MCA/MTAS, ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS) within designated windows. For specific information about when, where, and which tests your student will take, please contact your school.

Parent/Guardian Refusal

Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Assessments

Parents or Guardians of District 622 students have a right to limit their child's participation in statewide and district assessments. 

If you wish to refuse participation in local, districtwide testing, please complete the 622 Parent/Guardian Assessment Refusal form. 

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